
AUSTRALIA (澳洲)商标注册

A. Costs Estimate For Trade Marks Application in Australia


(for one trade mark per class & for simple straightforward application )

(Prevailing exchange rate of AUD to HKD is AUD 1 = HKD 5.4, rounded up to nearest HKD dollar)

(于一个商标一个类别和简单直接的申请) 港币 澳元(HKD AUD)

Ⅰ. SEARCH查询(Optional 非必须的)

Availability Search (One mark one class):

a) On-line Availability Search (Optional but recommended) $3,800 $710


*Search will be charge per logo per class * 查询费用以每个图形及类别计算



(for one trademark one class 以一个商标申请一个类别计算) $7,830 $1,450

(Fees consists of preparing and handling of the required Power of Attorney Document, filing the application and reporting the status of filing particulars, government fees) 此费用包括协助申请人选择申请类别﹑准备和提交申请﹑缴付官方费用以及报告。

Validity: TEN(10)years 有效期为十年.


(for one trademark one class 以一个商标申请一个类别计算) $5,400 $1000

(Fees consists of reporting Acceptance & Advertisement of the application (for opposition purposed), publication and government registration fees, obtaining and forwarding the Certificate of Registration.)费用包括报告公告的许可通知﹑办理公告事宜﹑报告获准注册通知﹑领取及寄上注册证书以及缴付官方费用。

Ⅳ. MISC. (Additional Service Charges 额外服务

a) Drafting, Amending and Filing Arguments 申辩费用

(simple argument per case) $3,240 $600

The argument fees may be adjusted based on the complexity of the cases, -$10,800 -$2,000

Separate quotation will be issued for cases involving court proceeding.


b) Renewal 续期

(for 10 years; one mark one class 有效期十年,以一个商标一个类别计算) $ 14,040 $2,600

The costs are acceptable for each mark in each class. Specimens showing the mark is actually used should be provided.

c) Change of Address/Name of Applicant 更换申请人名称或地址 $2,700 $500


d) Assignment 转让 $3,780 $700

Preparing and executing the Assignment document. For Assignment without goodwill, additional advertising is required.费用包括准备有关转让文件﹑提交申请以及缴付官方费用。

Procedure for applying trade mark registration

Ⅰ.A word, logo or both, which is distinctive, can be applied for trademark registration.


Ⅱ. An availability search is usually recommended to find out whether there is any similar or identical filed/registered marks which may bar your application. After the search, the filing of the mark will be applied in the specified class with up to 10 designated goods or services. There are totally 45 classes. The fees for trademark application is for 10 years and the trademark could be renewed every 10 years.


Ⅲ. The Trade Marks Office will examine and issue a report on the application, usually 3 months after the date of the application. Upon receiving the report from the Trade Marks Office, you are advised on what objections, if any, have been raised and how they can be overcome. Once the application is accepted for registration and the registration fee is paid, the mark is then advertised in the Official Journal of Trade Marks and any person may within 3 months, oppose the registration of the mark. If there is no opposition, the mark will be registered and the Certificate of Registration will be mailed to you by registered mail. It usually takes about 12 to 18 months for a mark to become mature for registration.

